16 June 2009

Barmaid Strangled by Rattlesnake

Once upon a time, the Baroness was hard at work stripping meat from poached Eastern Diamondback Rattlers.

Then it occurred to us: a humourous headline for next week's grammar- and style-challenged Ledger - Barmaid Strangled by Rattlesnake. The Ledger is so atrocious that it would be some completely convoluted rendering of the events. We even were willing to supply the accompanying photo:

(I love the partially obscured "Call Police" sign visible over the Baroness' right shoulder)

Naturally, there would have to be a dramatic scene at the trial where the prosecutor would place the murder weapon in the Baroness' hands and ask her to model her actions. Nancy Grace would sneak a camera into the courtroom and endlessly rerun the footage on Headline "News". The freeze frame to title image of the story would look a little like this:

The only disappointment of "Taste of Texas" was that the label on the boar ribs was so small. We really needed the section that read "Meat from Feral Swine" to be much larger than it is on our label wall of shame.

The End

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